• The full program of the festival can be found on filmedefestival.ro.
  • Previews of 8 Romanian films.

Almodóvar, Malick, Jarmusch, Dardenne, Dolan, Bellocchio, Loach, Herzog – the latest films of the great filmmakers of global cinema can be seen in premiere at Les Films de Cannes à Bucarest between 18th and 27th October. The Claude Lelouch retrospective, the Spani focus with Albert Serra as special guest, the Golden Day with Palme d’Or, Ours d’Or and Camera d’Or winners, acting workshops, screenplay analysis, masterclasses, over 100 films in ten cities are ready for the Romanian public during the tenth edition of Les Films de Cannes.

At the same time, eight unreleased Romanian films will have gala previews during the festival, with the attendance of the film crews.

The screenings of Les Films de Cannes à Bucarest take place at Pro Cinema, Elvire Popesco Cinema, Peasent Museum Cinema, Union Cinematheque, Romanian National Museum of Art – Auditorium Hall, and Instituto Cervantes. The full program of the screenings is available on the festival site: www.filmedefestival.ro; the tickets will be available for online purchasing starting 1st October.

Cannes and Romanian cinema are indissolubly tied. The biggest festival in the world has supported our auteur productions ever since the ‘50s, but never with such ardour and insistence as in the last 15 years, when Romanian filmmakers and actors were rewarded with the most important prizes on the Croisette, turning meek local cinema into the epicentre of European film: three Palmes d’Or out of which one for a feature film, a Camera d’Or for the best debut, two awards for the best film in the Un Certain Regard section, awards for performance and screenplay, participation in the official competition and dozens of excited reviews in newspapers and prestigious magazines.

The jury, spectators and specialist press at Cannes decided: “the Romanian new wave” is not a just fleeting phenomenon, but a continuously vital force of international relevance.

The Les Films de Cannes à Bucarest public will be able to feel out the diversity, complexity and originality of recent Romanian films, in the Autumn Preview section, thanks to the screenings organized by the Romanian Peasant Museum.

Awarded with Palme d’Or for Best Short Film (Trafic) and with Un Certain Regard Special Jury Prize (for best actress, Dorotheea Petre in The Way I Spent the End of the World), Cătălin Mitulescu returns on the big screen with his new film, Heidi, recently present in the Sarajevo Film Festival competition. Heidi is not an orphan girl whose grandfather takes her to the mountains, but a young girl abandoned in a prostitution network. Variety magazine described the film as a “Romanian Fargo”.

The documentary film The Man who would be free, directed by Mihai Mincan and George Chiper-Lillemark, tells the story of a rebellious young man who decided to live freely during the communist years in a country torn apart by poverty and terror. Șerban Georgescu’s Being Romanian: A Family Journal similarly proposes a documentation of the intensely personal experience of both small, individual happenings and great historical events we all took part in, in the last a hundred years, from the Great Union up until our days.

5 minutes, Dan Chișu’s fiction feature film, took inspiration from a mundane happening. In a cinema in Bucharest a controversial film is being screened, some spectators protest against the LGBT Community, a young man ends up in the hospital. The journalistic investigation following this event is central to the narrative of the film, which was selected in the International Warsaw Film Festival competition.

A film as big as history, Queen Marie of Romania, directed by Alex Cahill, is also based on real historical events and follows a memorable and fascinating royal character. Shot with the occasion of the centenary of Romanian independence, the film fictionally re-enacts the historical context in which Queen Marie of Romania played a historically monumental role. Adrian Titieni stars as Ionel Bratianu, while Anghel Damian as King Carol.

Ivana the Terrible, included in the Cineasti del presente section of the Locarno Film Festival, where it was honoured with the Special Jury Prize, is an unconventional story about people and places, about belonging and longing, humorously and gently told. Carturan, directed by Liviu Săndulescu, centres around a 60-years-old man (Teodor Corban), who, having learned about the fact that he doesn’t much to love, needs to sort his life out.

From a father-daughter talk, Timebox, Nora Agapi’s documentary (present, among others, at the Jihlava International Documentary FF, Doc Est FF 2019, Crossing Europe Film Festival, Linz) turns into a fight for spaces and memories, an homage to her own father, but also to the space and world she grew up in.

 Les Films de Cannes à Bucarest awards this year, as well, a prize designated through the public’s vote for the best Romanian film under the Autumn Preview section. The prize worth 2500 euro, granted by the Romanian Cultural Institute, is offered to the filmmaker for a better distribution on the Romanian big screens.


Tickets can be purchased from Eventbook.ro, the Eventbook headquarters in Actor Ion Brezoianu Street 21, the Eventbook network and from the cash desks of Elvire Popesco Cinema, Peasant Museum Cinema and Union Cinematheque (according to the working hours of the cinemas, starting with one hour before the first screening of the day).


Film tickets can be purchased both in advance, starting 1st October, as we as during the festival.

At the Eventbook cash desk at PRO Cinema, tickets can be purchased starting 14th October. Starting 18th October, tickets can be purchased from the cash desk of every cinema, which will open one hour before the beginning of the first film in the program.


PRO Cinema, Elvire Popesco Cinema, Peasant Museum Cinema, Romanian National Museum of Art – Auditorium Hall

15 lei for tickets purchased by 18thOctober

20 lei for tickets purchased during the festival (18th-27th October 2019)

Union Cinematheque 10 lei or 8, 5, 3 lei for subscription holders

Instituto Cervantes: Tickets can be purchased for the following films: Un autre homme, une autre chance, Historia de la meva mort (Story of my Death) and Dolor y Gloria. Tickets cost 15 lei by 18th October, 20 lei after this date. For the other screenings, entrance is free, however, access is possible only through scanning a 0 lei worth ticket that can be either reserved online in advance or it can be acquired on the spot.

At all screening, a minimum of 20 tickets will only be sold at the cash desk of the cinema 15 minutes before the screening. You can also purchase tickets with cultural tickets.

Promotions and discounts:

Purchse 5 tickets at any film that screens in the same cinema during the festival and you get the sixth one for free.

Purchase 8 tickets at any film that screens in the any theatre during the festival and you get two more tickets for free.

Keep up to date with the latest news regarding the 2019 edition of Les Films de Cannes à Bucarest, on the official website filmedefestival.ro  and on the official Facebook page.

Les Films de Cannes à Bucarest is presented by Orange Romania, a traditional partner of the event.
Official Car of the Festival: Renault.
With the support of: Catena, Apa Nova, Groupama Asigurări.
The tenth edition of Les Films de Cannes à Bucarest is organized by the Cinemascop Association and Voodoo Films, in partnership with Embassy of France and the French Institute in Bucharest.
Les Films de Cannes à Bucarest is a cultural project financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Identity, the National Centre of Cinematography, and and realized with the support of SACD / Société des Auteurs et Compositeurs Dramatiques.
Partners: Air France, KLM, The Romanian Cultural Institute, Europa Cinemas, Hotel Mercure, SERVE, UPS, Eventbook.
Media partners: Radio România Cultural, Zile și Nopți, Elle, Observatorul Cultural, News.ro, Ziarul Metropolis, AaRC, Movienews, Igloo, Banchiza Urbană, FilmNewEurope, Cineghid, Cinemap, Agerpres, Liternet, FilmMenu.