Sean Baker, director of “The Florida Project”, in dialogue via skype with the audience, at the American Independent Film Festival, on the 3rd of May

The series of events introduced by Kent Jones, guest curator of the festival continues The American Independent Film Festival offers the audience in Bucharest a not to be missed meeting with one of the most promising young American directors. Cinema lovers in Bucharest will have a chance to talk via skype with director Sean [...]

2018-05-02T16:34:34+03:002 May 2018|Home, Press Releases|

Special screenings in unconventional spaces at American IFF Kuso, the most disturbing film to screen at Sundance IFF, comes to Club Control

The second edition of the American Independent Film Festival will be bringing screenings in alternative locations to audiences this year. Alongside films at CinemaPRO and Muzeul Țăranului Cinema, KUSO premiered at Sundance in 2017, will be screened on Sunday, April 29th, at 8:30pm in Control Club. Sundance 2017’s biggest “splat”, described by Pitchfork [...]

2018-04-25T18:02:27+03:0025 April 2018|Home, Press Releases|

Andreea Esca – in dialogue with Sebastian Stan at the opening of the American Independent Film Festival

See the trailer here The second edition of the American Independent Film Festival begins on Friday, April 27th, with an onstage open talk between Andreea Esca and Sebastian Stan, following the screening of I, Tonya, where the Romanian-American actor plays the main male role. Andreea Esca, “honorary ambassador” of the festival, will officiate the [...]

2018-04-25T16:17:36+03:0021 April 2018|Home, Press Releases|

Iconic indie director John Cassavetes – retrospective at the American Independent Film Festival

The American Independent Film Festival is paying homage to John Cassavetes – the most emblematic figure of American independent cinema – by bringing to audiences five of his films. Cassavetes’ works have influenced generations of filmmakers, among them being Cristi Puiu, one of the most prominent figures in the Romanian New Wave. Puiu has [...]

2018-04-18T15:23:43+03:0017 April 2018|Home, Press Releases|

Films directed by powerful women of American indie at AIFF 2018

Laura Dern, Michelle Williams and Kristen Stewart in the most consistent feminin line-up in an American film from 2017 Two remarkable films from the independent American cinema, made by American directors Chloé Zhao and Kelly Reichardt: THE RIDER and CERTAIN WOMEN, are listed in this year’s selection of the American Independent Film Festival, that [...]

2018-04-25T16:45:26+03:004 April 2018|Home, Press Releases|
  • Wonder Wheel 2017

The first tickets to the American Independent Film Festival are being sold as of today I, Tonya to open the festival in the presence of Sebastian Stan

As of today, March 22nd  you can buy tickets to the opening of the American Independent Film Festival, which will take place on the April 27th, with I, Tonya (2017), about the well known skater Tonya Harding, one of the most acclaimed films of the year. The screening will take place at 20:30 at [...]

2018-04-02T18:25:52+03:0022 March 2018|Home, Press Releases|
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