• See the trailer here

The second edition of the American Independent Film Festival begins on Friday, April 27th, with an onstage open talk between Andreea Esca and Sebastian Stan, following the screening of I, Tonya, where the Romanian-American actor plays the main male role.

Andreea Esca, “honorary ambassador” of the festival, will officiate the opening presentation of the second edition.

Irina Margareta Nistor, who spoke in dialogue with special guest Joaquin Phoenix at the festival’s first edition, is the festival’s second ambassador.

Andreea Esca: “It’s an honour for me to be a part of this festival, which presents good films that are important to be discovered, with marvellous actors and enthusiastic organisers. American films aren’t just about gun fights, exploding cars or happy endings, and I think it’s necessary to talk about these things from time to time. I, Tonya, supports my claim. It’s an emotional film which brought back memories from Tonya Harding’s story, which I followed on TV during the Ceausescu era. It also made me realize just how talented Sebastian Stan, the actor of Romanian origin, is. Congratulations, Cristian Mungiu, for this selection of films, and I look forward to seeing everyone in the cinemas!”

Sebastian Stan will also be Andreea Esca’s guest on her show “La Radio,” on Europa FM, on the 28th of April at 12:00 pm, to talk in depth about about his career.

On Friday, I, Tonya will begin with a short introduction with Sebastian Stan and Andreea Esca, at 8:30 pm. At 10:30 pm, following the screening, they will return on stage to hold a half hour talk on the film and Sebastian’s American career. The public will be invited to ask questions.

I, Tonya will have an additional two screenings in the festival: on Saturday, April 28th, at 6:00 pm, where Sebastian will be holding another Q&A session following the screening, and Monday, April 30th, at 8:30 pm, where film critic Ionut Mareș and Sebastian Stan will hold a short talk on the differences between American indie cinema and the Hollywood production systems.

Ionut Mareș will also be introducing Lady Bird and Golden Exits, while Irina Margareta Nistor has opted to introduce Wonderstruck (on the 1st and 3rd of May), and Wonder Wheel (on May 1st).

Irina Margareta Nistor: “With the utmost diplomacy, I’m happy to announce that the Americans are back in Bucharest (and Arad) with unforgettable independent films, which would certainly have been banned until 89! Or, at least, censored!”

Other premiere screenings at the festival will be presented by Andrei Tănăsescu and Kent Jones, who programmed this year’s edition of the American Independent Film Festival.

Faces, part of the John Cassavetes retrospective, will be introduced by journalist and film critic Cristian Tudor Popescu (on April 27th at 5:30 pm).

The American Independent Film Festival will take place between April 27th and May 3rd in Bucharest’s CinemaPRO and in the Studio Horia Bernea room at the Muzeul Țăranului Român Cinema. This year marks the inaugural local edition of the festival in Arad, between April 27th and April 29th.

The screening program, events and all news on the festival will be updated on filmedefestival.ro, on the Facebook page, and on Instagram (@AmericanIndependentFilmFest). Tickets and reservations for free screenings can be booked through Eventbook.ro and the Eventbook network.

The Festival is organized by the Cinemascop Association, supported by the Bucharest City Hall through ARCUB and Catena, with the support of the Embassy of the United States in Romania and UPC Romania. A cultural project funded by the National Center of Cinematography.

Mobility partner: BMW Auto Cobalcescu

Partners: Dedeman, Qreator by IQOS, Romanian Cultural Institute, UPS Romania, CinemaPRO, Romanian Peasant Museum, Cinema Peasant Museum, Control Club, RoImage, InterCom Film, Voodoo Films, Eventbook, Our Big Day Out, Sister Association

Main media partners: Pro Cinema, Radio Guerrilla.

Media partners: Adevărul, Dilema Veche, Radio România Cultural, Agerpres, Decât o Revistă, Elle, A List Magazine, Zile și Nopți, Nine O’Clock, Newsweek, News.ro, Ziare.com, Revista Cariere, Business 24, Scena 9, Glamour, Avantaje, IQads, Noizz, The Institute, Liternet.ro, AaRC, CineFan, Senso TV, Ziarul Metropolis.

Communication partner: PiArt Vision.