Winter Sleep

10 MAEȘTRI PENTRU 10 ANI Palme d’Or, Cannes 2014 Regia: Nuri Bilge CEYLAN Țara: TURCIA, FRANȚA, GERMANIA Anul: 2014 Durata: 196 minute Genul: dramă Aydin este un fost actor care acum conduce un mic hotel în centrul Anatoliei cu tânăra lui soție Nihal cu care are o relație furtunoasă și cu sora sa [...]

2019-10-16T16:05:05+03:001 October 2019|10 MAEȘTRI PENTRU 10 ANI, Filme|


Palme d’Or, Cannes 2012 Directed by: Michael HANEKE Year of production: 2012 Country: FRANCE, GERMANY,  AUSTRIA Genre: drama Length: 127 minutes Georges and Anne are in their eighties. They are cultivated, retired music teachers. Their daughter, who is also a musician, lives abroad with her family. One day, Anne has an attack. [...]

2019-10-04T11:14:45+03:001 October 2019|10 MASTERS FOR 10 YEARS, Movies|

Winter Sleep

Palme d’Or, Cannes 2014 Directed by: Nuri Bilge CEYLAN Year of production: 2014 Country: TURKEY, FRANCE, GERMANY Genre: drama Length: 196 minutes Aydin, a former actor, runs a small hotel in central Anatolia with his young wife Nihal with whom he has a stormy relationship and his sister Necla who is suffering [...]

2019-10-04T12:20:14+03:001 October 2019|10 MASTERS FOR 10 YEARS, Movies|


Palme d’Or, Cannes 2012 Réalisé par: Michael HANEKE Pays: FRANCE, ALLEMAGNE, AUSTRIE Année: 2012 Durée: 127 minutes Genre: drama Michael HANEKE - Réalisateur Michael HANEKE - Scénario / Dialogues Darius KHONDJI - Images Jean-Vincent PUZOS - Décors Monika WILLI - Montage Nadine MUSE - Montage Jean-Pierre LAFORCE - Son Guillaume SCIAMA - [...]

2019-10-04T11:11:25+03:001 October 2019|10 MAÎTRES POUR 10 ANS, Films|

Winter Sleep

Palme d’Or, Cannes 2014 Réalisé par: Nuri Bilge CEYLAN Pays: TURQUIE, FRANCE, ALLEMAGNE Année: 2014 Durée: 196  minutes Genre: drama Aydin, comédien à la retraite, tient un petit hôtel en Anatolie centrale avec sa jeune épouse Nihal, dont il s’est éloigné sentimentalement, et sa sœur Necla qui souffre encore de son récent [...]

2019-10-04T12:18:36+03:001 October 2019|10 MAÎTRES POUR 10 ANS, Films|

La Vie d’Adèle

10 MAEȘTRI PENTRU 10 ANI Palme d'Or, Cannes 2013 Regia: Andellatif Kechiche Țara: FRANȚA, BELGIA,  SPANIA Anul: 2013 Durata: 177 minute Genul: drama La vârsta de 15 ani Adele nici nu se gândește la altceva: fetele se întâlnesc doar cu băieți. Viața ei este dată peste cap când o întâlnește pe Emma, o [...]

2019-10-16T16:05:16+03:001 October 2019|10 MAEȘTRI PENTRU 10 ANI, Filme|


10 MAEȘTRI PENTRU 10 ANI Palme d’Or, Cannes 2018 Regia: Kore-Eda HIROKAZU Țara: JAPONIA Anul: 2018 Durata: 121 minute Genul: dramă Titlu original: Manbiki Kazoku Întorcându-se după un tur de furturi din magazine, Osamu și fiul său dau în drumul lor peste o fetiță care pare abandonată. Reticentă la ideea de a găzdui [...]

2019-10-16T16:05:22+03:001 October 2019|10 MAEȘTRI PENTRU 10 ANI, Filme|

La Vie d’Adèle

Palme d'Or, Cannes 2013 Directed by : Abdellatif Kechiche Year of production: 2013 Country: FRANCE, BELGIUM,  SPAIN Genre: drama Length: 177 minutes At 15, Adele doesn't question it: a girl goes out with boys. Her life is turned upside down the night she meets Emma, a young woman with blue hair, who [...]

2019-10-04T11:58:49+03:001 October 2019|10 MASTERS FOR 10 YEARS, Movies|

La Vie d’Adèle

Palme d'Or, Cannes 2013 Réalisé par: Abdellatif Kechiche Pays: FRANCE, BELGIQUE, ESPAGNE Année: 2013 Durée: 177 Genre: drama A 15 ans, Adèle ne se pose pas de question: une fille, ça sort avec des garçons. Sa vie bascule le jour où elle rencontre Emma, une jeune femme aux cheveux bleus, qui lui [...]

2019-10-04T11:56:09+03:001 October 2019|10 MAÎTRES POUR 10 ANS, Films|


Palme d’Or, Cannes 2018 Directed by: Kore-Eda HIROKAZU Year of production: 2018 Country: JAPAN Genre: drama Length: 121 minutes Original title: Manbiki Kazoku After one of their shoplifting sessions, Osamu and his son come across a little girl in the freezing cold. At first reluctant to shelter the girl, Osamu’s wife agrees [...]

2019-10-04T12:03:56+03:001 October 2019|10 MASTERS FOR 10 YEARS, Movies|
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