Manuel Puro

Manuel a plus de 20 ans d’expérience dans le casting et il a travaillé pour des longs métrages et séries télévisées, des jeux, des promotions, des publicités et des courts métrages.

Parmi ses projets: Moon et Mute, réalisés par Duncan Jones, Shaun the Sheep: Farmageddon pour Aardman Animations et Planet of the Apes: The Last Frontier, le premier jeu vidéo signé par The Imaginarium d’Andy Serkis.

Manuel Puro a soutenu des séances de mentorat avec des organisations telles que National Film and Television School, iFeatures et la Directors Guild de Grande-Bretagne. Il a également organisé des ateliers de casting dans le monde entier. En 2017, Manuel a créé The Acting Habit, une plate-forme en ligne innovante où des acteurs du monde entier peuvent partager leur travail, expérimenter de manière créative et acquérir de nouvelles compétences techniques.

2019-10-21T13:02:16+03:0021 October 2019|Invités|

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Manuel Puro

Manuel Puro has over 20 years casting experience working across feature films, television, games, promos, commercials and shorts.

Projects include Moon and Mute directed by Duncan Jones, Shaun the Sheep: Farmageddon for Aardman Animations and Planet of the Apes: The Last Frontier, the first in-house video game from Andy Serkis’ The Imaginarium.

Manuel has hosted mentoring sessions with organizations such as the National Film and Television School, iFeatures and the Directors Guild of Great Britain, and has held casting workshops globally. In 2017, Manuel created The Acting Habit, an innovative online platform where actors from all over the world can share their work, receive and give feedback, experiment creatively and learn new technical skills.

2019-10-21T13:01:07+03:0021 October 2019|Guests|

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Manuel Puro

Manuel Puro are peste 20 de ani de experiență în casting, lucrând pentru lungmetraje, serii TV, jocuri, reclame și scurtmetraje. Proiectele sale includ Moon și Mute, regizate de Duncan Jones, Shaun the Sheep: Farmageddon, pentru studiourile Aardman Animations, și Planet of the Apes: The Last Frontier, primul joc video realizat de The Imaginarium al lui Andy Serkis.

Manuel a oferit mentoring unor organizații și instituții precum National Film and Television School, iFeatures și Directors Guild din Marea Britanie, și a susținut workshop-uri despre casting în lumea întreagă. În 2017, a creat The Acting Habit, o platformă online inovatoare, unde actorii din lumea întreagă își pot împărtăși munca, primind și oferind feedback, pot face experimente creative și acumula abilități tehnice noi.

2019-10-07T20:36:54+03:007 October 2019|Invitați|

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