I, Daniel Blake

Palme d’Or, Cannes 2016

Regia: Ken LOACH
Anul: 2016
Durata: 100 minute
Genul: drama

Pentru prima dată în viața lui, Daniel Blake, un tâmplar de 59 de ani, e constrâns de împrejurări să apeleze la ajutorul social, din cauza unor probleme cardiace. Dar chiar dacă medicul îi interzice să lucreze, este obligat să-și caute de lucru, sub amenințarea unor sancțiuni. De-a lungul drumurilor sale regulate la „job center”, Daniel se intersectează cu Rachel, mamă singură a doi copii, constrânsă să accepte o locuință la 450 de km depărtare de orașul ei natal, pentru a nu fi plasată într-una adăpost social.

Prinși amândoi în ițele aberațiilor administrative din sistemul britanic de astăzi, Daniel și Rachel vor încerca să se descurce împreună.

Ken LOACH – Regie
Paul LAVERTY – Scenariu
Fergus CLEGG – Decoruri
Linda WILSON – Decoruri
Robbie RYAN – Imagine
Ray BECKETT – Sunet
Jonathan MORRIS – Montaj
George FENTON – Muzică

Briana SHANN
Dylan Phillip MCKIERNAN

2019-10-16T16:03:31+03:001 October 2019|10 MAEȘTRI PENTRU 10 ANI, Filme|

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I, Daniel Blake

Palme d’Or, Cannes 2016

Directed by : Ken Loach
Year of production: 2016
Country: UK
Genre: drama
Length: 100 minutes

Daniel Blake, 59, has worked as a joiner most of his life in Newcastle. Now, after a heart attack and nearly falling from a scaffold, he needs help from the State for the first time in his life. He crosses paths with a single mother Katie and her two young children, Daisy and Dylan. Katie’s only chance to escape a one-roomed homeless hostel in London has been to accept a flat in a city she doesn’t know some 300 miles away.

Daniel and Katie find themselves in no-man’s land caught on the barbed wire of welfare bureaucracy as played out against the rhetoric of ‘striver and skiver’ in modern day Britain.

Ken LOACH – Director

Paul LAVERTY – Script / Dialogue

Fergus CLEGG – Set decorator

Linda WILSON – Set decorator

Robbie RYAN – Director of Photography

Ray BECKETT – Sound

Jonathan MORRIS – Film Editor

George FENTON – Music

Briana SHANN
Dylan Phillip MCKIERNAN

2019-10-04T11:44:58+03:001 October 2019|10 MASTERS FOR 10 YEARS, Movies|

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I, Daniel Blake

Palme d’Or, Cannes 2016

Réalisé par: Ken Loach
Pays: Marea Britanie/ Grande-Bretagne
Année: 2016
Durée: 100’
Genre: drama

Pour la première fois de sa vie, Daniel Blake, un menuisier anglais de 59 ans, est contraint de faire appel à l’aide sociale à la suite de problèmes cardiaques. Mais bien que son médecin lui ait interdit de travailler, il se voit signifier l’obligation d’une recherche d’emploi sous peine de sanction.

Au cours de ses rendez-vous réguliers au « job center », Daniel va croiser la route de Rachel, mère célibataire de deux enfants qui a été contrainte d’accepter un logement à 450 km de sa ville natale pour ne pas être placée en foyer d’accueil.

Pris tous deux dans les filets des aberrations administratives de la Grande Bretagne d’aujourd’hui, Daniel et Rachel vont tenter de s’entraider.

Ken LOACH – Réalisateur

Paul LAVERTY – Scénario / Dialogues

Fergus CLEGG – Décors

Linda WILSON – Décors

Robbie RYAN – Directeur de la photographie


Jonathan MORRIS – Montage

George FENTON – Musique

Briana SHANN
Dylan Phillip MCKIERNAN

2019-10-04T11:43:21+03:001 October 2019|10 MAÎTRES POUR 10 ANS, Films|

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