Saturday, Septemeber 19, 22:00
Online via Zoom webinar
Nominated for 2 Oscars, Benh Zeitlin is one of the most creative American filmmakers of the moment. Writer, director and composer, Benh has an easily recognizable and original style. His debut feature film Beasts of the Southern Wild received Grand Jury Prize at Sundance, Camera d’Or for best debut at Cannes, multiple Academy Awards nominations, and was crowned Film of the Year by American Film Institute in 2013. In 2020, after seven years, the author returns with Wendy, his second film, a free reinterpretation of the Peter Pan fairy tale, with a cast full of children who make debut in acting.
For its fourth edition, American Independent Film Festival is organizing a special Double Bill Benh Zeitlin, with screenings of his two films and an online masterclass with Benh on Saturday, September 19, from 22:00. The masterclass is free and it will be moderated by film critic Ionuț Mareș.
Participation is possible via Zoom webinar, only based on registrations using this form until 19 September 2020, 18.00 hours.
The masterclass will be in English and will be broadcast live at the Peasant Museum Cinema Open Air, right after the screening of Beasts of the Southern Wild.
Benh Zeitlin is a writer, director, composer based in New Orleans, Louisiana.His films include the four-time Oscar nominated Beasts of the Southern Wild, Wendy, and the short Glory at Sea. He composes music for his own films and others such as Brimstone & Glory and Mediterranea. He also works to help emerging filmmakers make ‘impossible’ projects through the Court 13 collective – producing on films such as Give Me Liberty, No Kings, and the Tribeca-winning Burning Cane.
Double Bill Benh Zeitlin:
September 17, 20:00, Event Park Snagov
September 18, 20:00, National Museum of Art of Romania – Museum Courtyard (followed by a Q&A session with the director via Skype)
September 19, 20:00, Cinema Drive-in Militari Shopping
Beasts Of The Southern Wild
September 19, 20:00, Peasant Romanian Cinema Open Air (Following the screening of the film, the audience can watch the filmmaker’s online masterclass)