Lost and Found (collective film)

Forum, Berlinale 2005

Directed by: Nadejda Koseva, Cristian Mungiu, Jasmila Zbanich, Kornél Mundruczó, Stefan Arsenijevic, Mait Laas

Year of production: 2005

Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Estonia, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Serbia and Montenegro, Germany

Genre: drama

Length: 99 minutes

Five stories are tied together by an animated film. In ‘The Ritual’, a wedding party waits in suspense for the bride and groom. A young girl goes to the capital for the first time and has to master a difficult situation (Turkey-Girl). In ‘Birthday’, two children in the same city are born on the same day, but have no possibility of getting to know each other; a suicide counselor finds himself in an existential conflict when he attempts to master his own family situation after the death of his mother (‘Shortlasting Silence’). Fabulous Vera: a streetcar conductor exceeds her authority and finally finds happiness.