The fourth edition of Les Films de Cannes à Suceava, will take place between 1st and 3rd of November, at Cinema Modern, and is organized by Creativ As Association in partnership with Municipiul Suceava (Suceava City Hall) and Suceava County Council.

Special guests: the directors Cornel Mihalache, Șerban Georgescu, Adi Voicu and the actors George Piștereanu, Adrian Ttitieni and Anghel Damian.

Free entry within the limits of the available places.

15:30 | SUNSET, by László Nemes (2018, 142 min, HU, DE). FIPRESCI Prize, Venice 2018. In the section Ivanov 50, dedicated to the actor Vlad Ivanov.
18:00 | LITTLE JOE, by Jessica Hausner (2019, 105 min, AT, UK, DE). Award for Best Actress, Cannes 2019
20:00 | LA GOMERA, by Corneliu Porumboiu (2019, 97 min, RO, FR, DE). In competition, Cannes 2019. In the presence of the actor George Piștereanu. Preceded by the short film ULTIMUL DRUM SPRE MARE, by Adi Voicu (2019, 12min, RO). In competition, Semaine de la Critique, Cannes. In the presence of the director Adi Voicu + Q&A

12:00 | ALBĂ CA ZĂPADA ȘI CELE 7 MINERIADE, by Cornel Mihalache A film in the section ROMÂNIA. 30 DE ANI MAI TÂRZIU (ROMANIA, 30 YEARS LATER) in partnership with Freedom House Program, Romania ”Learning from Our Past to Build the Future”.  In the presence of the director + Q&A.
15:00 | PORTRAIT DE LA JEUNE FILLE EN FEU, by Céline Sciamma (2019, 120 min, FR). Award for Best Screenplay, Cannes 2019.
18:00 | JURNANUL FAMILIEI ESCU, by Șerban Georgescu (2019, 95 min, RO). In the presence of the director + Q&A
21:00 | PARASITE, by Bong Joon-Ho (2019, 132 min, KR). Palme d’Or, Cannes 2019

12:00 | THE WILD PEAR TREE, by Nuri Bilge Ceylan (2018, 188 min, TK, MK, FR). In competition, Cannes 2018
15:30 | LE JEUNE AHMED, by Jean-Pierre & Luc Dardenne (2019, 84 min, BE, FR). Award for Best Director, Cannes 2019
17:30 | MATTHIAS ET MAXIME, by Xavier Dolan (2019, 119 min, CA). In competition, Cannes 2019
20:00 | MARIA, REGINA ROMÂNIEI, by Alexis Sweet CAHILL (2019, 106 min). In the presence of the actors Adrian Titieni and Anghel Damian + Q&A