Beyond the screen: debates with and about the film industry at Les Films de Cannes à Bucarest .13
Beyond the screen: debates with and about the film industry at Les Films de Cannes à Bucarest .13 Les Films de Cannes à Bucarest is not only about film screenings but also about important related events involving the top echelon of the international film industry. The AUTEUR CINEMA IN THE FACE OF PLATFORMS open talk is an event dedicated to film industry professionals and the general public, and aims to spark [...]
Triangle of Sadness, Palme d’Or 2022, premieres at Les Films de Cannes à Cluj-Napoca
Triangle of Sadness, Palme d'Or 2022, premieres at Les Films de Cannes à Cluj-Napoca The 6th edition will take place between October 21st - 23rd at Cinema Victoria and Cinema Arta The Les Films de Cannes festival returns to Cluj this year with a new selection of films from Cannes and the world's leading festivals. The 6th edition of Les Films de Cannes à Cluj-Napoca will take place from October 21st to [...]
Tickets are on sale for Les Films de Cannes à Bucarest .13
Tickets are on sale for Les Films de Cannes à Bucarest .13 The most awaited films of the autumn can be seen between October 21st and 30th at Cinema Elvire Popesco, the Romanian Peasant Cinema and the Eforie Cinemathèque. At Cannes, there are no weak years, there are fabulous and "just" extraordinary ones. The world's biggest film festival has, over the years, managed to put together an incredible selection of all [...]
Romanian cinema amazes again – Les Films de Cannes à Bucarest Fall Previews
Romanian cinema amazes again - Les Films de Cannes à Bucarest Fall Previews Open Casting for Managing Talents .7 At the end of the year, Les Films de Cannes à Bucarest takes stock of the many successes of Romanian cinema and brings to the Autumn Previews section a rich programme presenting the diverse cinematic visions of Romanian filmmakers, with films awarded in Cannes, Venice, Sarajevo, Annecy or Oberhausen. Fiction, documentary, animation, [...]