Preamble: ASOCIATIA CINEMASCOP with the support of PRO TV is organizing the 6th edition of the screenplay competition entitled: Write a Screenplay For …, with the aim of conducting interactive training workshops and developing one or more crime drama screenplays.

The deadline for applications is April 1st, 2024, 23:00 (Romanian time).

Authors are invited to submit script proposals for the following categories: 

  • TV Miniseries (6 or 8 episodes of 48 minutes): 
  • logline (short synopsis) of no more than 3 sentences;
  • a detailed synopsis of up to 3 pages for a TV miniseries and/or pitchdeck;
  • a sequence of max. 2 pages, with dialogue representing a conflict or emotional charge in the script – written in Final Draft or any script formatting software;
  • Writer’s motivation / Statement of Purpose
  • a professional CV including contact details
  • Feature Film: 
  • a log-line of no more than 3 sentences;
  • an outline (story summary) of max 1 page for a feature-length fiction film and/or a pitchdeck;
  • a sequence of max. 2 pages with dialogue representing a conflict or emotional charge in the script – written in Final Draft or any script formatting software;
  • a professional CV including contact details.

All materials are to be sent to in PDF/Word format.

Registration Deadline: April 1st, 2024, 23:00 (Romanian time).

Selection – Phase 1

Projects submitted will be analysed by April 19th, 2024.

Asociatia Cinemascop and PRO TV will analyse all the proposals received and choose the shortlist of projects that will go through to the semi-final / second stage of the competition.

The results will be announced on April 22nd, 2024.

Semi-finalists will be contacted in person in the first part of May to complete the formalities and to schedule interviews on the basis of which the selection for the next stage will be made.

Selection – Phase 2

Interviews and pitching sessions (via Zoom) with shortlisted projects will follow from April 24th-April 30th, 2024.

Following this phase, the finalists will be decided.

În urma acestei etape, se vor stabili proiectele finaliste.

The finalists will be announced publicly at the opening presentation of the 8th American Independent Festival, in the media and on the event website

Selection – Phase 3

The authors of the finalist projects will participate in a series of conferences, master classes, script development workshops / TV scriptwriting training sessions until August (via Zoom). Each development session will be followed, on request, by a follow up session on the craft side (debriefing day).

The consultants of the 6th edition of the Write a Screenplay For… screenwriting competition are:

Marietta von Hausswolff von Baumgarten – screenwriter, script consultant

Gabriela Iacob – head of scripted development PRO TV and script doctor / consultant 

Cristian Mungiu – screenwriter and director

The workshops involve a period of active individual and group work with scriptwriters and project development consultants for the development of the project. 

The finalists will be guided to develop by October 1st, 2024 a complete script – feature film and/or miniseries pilot.

After this date, PRO TV and Asociatia Cinemascop will choose the winning projects. The winners will receive a non-refundable development grant of 1000 euros.

Selection – Phase 4

Projects will be considered for entry into the production phase.

By regulation, starting October 15, 2024, PRO TV and CINEMASCOP ASSOCIATION will have for 6 months the option to further develop the WINNING PROJECTS.

A full development package (project bible) will be developed for projects during this phase.


Short-listed projects will be registered with the legal copyright protection associations with the aid from contest organisers

Finalists will benefit from 6 months of interactive training with industry leaders

Finalists will have free access to film screenings at the American Independent Film Festival

Projects will be developed together from concept to script stage

Finalists will be invited to present their projects in a Pitch & Match session with Romanian producers

The partnership between the competition organisers and the authors will be formalised in a contract which will be made available to the finalists before the final results are announced.

For details and more information, please contact:

Asociatia Cinemascop

031 420 3549

By entering the competition, you accept all the provisions of these rules.

Registration for the competition implies the applicants’ agreement to the processing of their personal data.

Writers must ensure before entering that they are available to participate as finalists in the workshops and have time to write the project from concept to first draft and receive feedback from tutors from April 22nd to October 1st 2024.