Press Releases
Starting 1st October LES FILMS DE CANNES À BUCAREST tickets are available to the public
The full program of the festival can be found on Previews of 8 Romanian films. Almodóvar, Malick, Jarmusch, Dardenne, Dolan, Bellocchio, Loach, Herzog – the latest films of [...]
10 cities and 10 Palmes d’Or at the 10th edition of LES FILMS DE CANNES
A selection of ten films awarded with the Palme d’Or at Cannes can be seen at the 10th edition of Les Films de Cannes à Bucarest, at the Union [...]
Albert Serra – Special guest of the Spanish Focus at LES FILMS DE CANNES À BUCAREST
This year, at Cannes, the trials and tribulations on screen honoured Spanish cinematography with glory: Dolor y Gloria, Pedro Almodovar’s film, received the trophy for Best Actor thanks to [...]
Les grands maîtres de Cannes en première sur les écrans du festival Les films de Cannes à Bucarest
Les billets seront disponibles à partir du 1er octobre. Werner Herzog, Luc et Jean-Pierre Dardenne, Ken Loach, Marco Bellocchio, Arnaud Desplechin, Xavier Dolan. Comme toujours à Cannes, la gamme [...]
The great Cannes masters, in premiere, on the screens of Les Films de Cannes À Bucarest
Tickets will be available to the public starting 1st October. Werner Herzog, Luc and Jean-Pierre Dardenne, Ken Loach, Marco Bellocchio, Arnaud Desplechin, Xavier Dolan. As always, the 2019 Cannes [...]
Claude Lelouch to open the 10th edition of Les Films de Cannes à Bucarest
A man and a woman – Un homme et une femme. Millions of men and women all over the world, vibrating in unison toh the same film, legendary ever [...]
Winners of the Palme d’Or and main Cannes prizes, in premiere at Les Films de Cannes à Bucarest, from October 18th to 27th
An elegiac contemplation on death and creation coming from an extravagant Spanish master, a burlesque film about roots and identity, a devastating social satire resisting all etiquettes, a moving, [...]
Ivanov 50
Les Films de Cannes à Bucarest will organize a retrospective dedicated to actor Vlad Ivanov, on the anniversary of his 50th birthday. Les Films de Cannes à Bucarest, the [...]
The 10th edition of Les Films de Cannes a Bucarest will take place from October 18th to 27th, 2019
Untill the announcement of the films in the program of the 10th edition of Les Films de Cannes a Bucarest, you can see bellow the winners of the 72nd [...]
The 9th edition of Les Films de Cannes à Bucarest announces the winning titles
The public has voted The Distance Between Me and Me, by Mona Nicoară and Dana Bunescu and 3 Faces, by Jafar Panahi - Over ten days, Les Films de [...]