The Shooting

Part of the section “American Independent Cinema Curated by Kent Jones”

May 1st, 18:00 h, Cinema Muzeul Taranului
Free admission depending on availability

Official Selection, Cannes

Directed by: Monte Hellman
Year: 1966
Country: USA
Genre: western
Length: 82 minutes

Presented at the Cannes Film Festival in 1967, was shot on a budget of 75.000 dollars and produced by director Roger Corman and Jack Nicholson who also stars in the film. Monte Hellman’s gem is set in the American desert, and opens with Willet Gashade, a former bounty hunter, who returns to his mining camp to find that his brother has negligently killed two people and run off. The sudden appearance of a mysterious woman asking to be escorted to the town of Kingsley arouses Willet’s suspicions, but he nevertheless accepts, bringing along his affable sidekick. With the scorching sun threatening their journey and a shadowy cowboy hot on their trail, the three embark on a journey that threatens at every gallop to be their last.

Monte Hellman  – Director
Carole Eastman (as Adrien Joyce)– Screenwriter
Gregor Sandor – Cinematography
Richard Markowitz – Sound

Will Hutchins
Millie Perkins
Jack Nicholson
Warren Oates
2018-04-18T20:09:36+03:0018 April 2018|Movies, Uncategorized|

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The Shooting

Prezentat în cadrul secțiunii “American Independent Cinema Curated by Kent Jones”

Selecție Oficială – Cannes

Regia: Monte Hellman
Țara: S.U.A.
Anul: 1966
Genul: western
Durata: 82 minute

Intrare liberă în limita locurilor disponibile.

Prezentat la Cannes în 1967, a fost realizat cu un buget de 75.000 de dolari și produs de regizorul Roger Corman și de Jack Nicholson care face parte și din cast. Bijuteria lui Monte Hellman este un western situat în deșertul american, în care un fost vânător de recompense, Willet Gashade, întors de curând acasă, află că fratele său a fugit după ce a ucis doi oameni din neglijență. Filmul extinde arhitectura spațiului geografic și a naturii umane pentru a oferi unul dintre cele mai memorabile western-uri americane.

Monte Hellman – Regie
Carole Eastman (a.k.a. Adrien Joyce) – Scenariu
Gregor Sandor – Imagine
Richard Markowitz – Muzică

Will Hutchins
Millie Perkins
Jack Nicholson
Warren Oates
2018-04-18T19:54:27+03:0018 April 2018|Filme|

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