
Selectie – Sundance
Selectie – Berlinale

Regia: Joshua Z. Weinstein
82 minute

Unul dintre cele mai apreciate filme ale anului 2017, MENASHE marchează debutul în ficțiune al regizorului de film documentar Joshua Z Weinstein. Vorbit în yiddish și plasat în comunitatea hassidică din Brooklyn, filmul il urmărește pe Menashe, adorabil și neîndemânatic, în încercarea de a-și organiza viața după moartea soției. Filmat cu neprofesioniști din comunitatea evreilor din New York, Menashe este o comoară a filmului indie cu o viziune revelatoare asupra legăturii universale dintre tată și fiu.

Joshua Z. Weinstein– Regie
Alex Lipschultz, Musa Syeed, Joshua Z. Weinstein – Scenariu
Yoni Brook, Joshua Z Weinstein – Imagine
Scott Cummings – Montaj
Dag Rosenqvist, Aaron Martin – Compositori

Menashe Lustig
Yoel Falkowitz

2018-04-20T13:33:38+03:0013 April 2018|Filme|

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Selection – Sundance
Selection – Berlinale

Directed by: Joshua Z. Weinstein
Year:  2017
Country: USA
Genre: drama
Length: 82 minutes

One of the most critically-lauded films of 2017, MENASHE marks the fiction feature debut of documentary-director Joshua Z Weinstein. Spoken in Yiddish and set in Brooklyn’s Hassidic community, the film follows the lovable, bumbling Menashe as he tries to get his life back on track after his wife’s passing. Although devout to his Orthodox religion, he is resistant to re-marry for the sake of his teenage son and his own standing within the Orthodox Jewish community. Given one more week before his son is sent to live with his aunt and uncle, Menashe is determined to organize his wife’s memorial commemoration and prove that he is capable of being a good father and member of the community, even without a wife.

Joshua Z. Weinstein – Director
Alex Lipschultz, Musa Syeed, Joshua Z. Weinstein – Screenwriter
Yoni Brook, Joshua Z Weinstein – Cinematography
Scott Cummings – Editing
Dag Rosenqvist, Aaron Martin – Composers

Menashe Lustig
Yoel Falkowitz

2018-04-20T14:35:00+03:0013 April 2018|Movies|

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